dilluns, 5 de desembre del 2011

Oral presentaion

This sport is the principal European sport, this famous sport have his origins in England.
This sport consist on put a ball in the goal of the opposite team.
The best teams are: Barcelona, Real Madrid and Manchester United.
This sport is very famous in England but in other countryes the people play to it.
There are only eighteen professional teams in the world, seventeen of the teams are in England and one in Wales.
Consist in hit a ball with a thin bat
This sport have his origins in England but Americans changed the rules and named it American football.
This sport consist in pick up the ball, that is an oval ball and go to the other side of the stadium to win points, this sport it's very complicated
This sport is original of Scotland, It's practiced in a field of grass,  it consistin put a little ball in a hole with a golf club

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